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RedHorse CRM Contact and Account Centric Design

RedHorse CRM Contact and Account Centric Design

January 10, 2013

RedHorse CRM is designed with both a Contact and an Account centric design. For example… let’s say you have 10 contacts at ABC Company. With RedHorse CRM, you would create one Account Record for “ABC Company” and create Contact Records for each person who works at ABC Company. All of the Contact Records would be linked to the Account Record. This design enables you to track all the activities and information by Contact, but have an Account Record to easily see everything related to the Account.

This is a powerful tool. You also have the ability to use the Referrals Tab to link Contact Records together. As an example, one of your Contacts refers you to one of their friends. You can create a new Contact Record for the friend and use the Referrals Tab to show that relationship. This is a great tool to keep track of all the referrals you receive or give regarding your important contacts.

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RedHorse CRM
Contact and Account Centric Design
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